Reference of Kashmir Issue to United Nations - "Nehru , Kashmir & Historical Circumstances"- {Part-3}

India adopted Parliamentary democracy & cabinet system . All the decisions by the Executive are taken through the Cabinet. The Cabinet system is based on collective responsibility. So let me, as a student of History, state it upfront that it is wrong to hold any one individual responsible for reference of Kashmir issue to United Nations . It is important to understand the historical circumstances which made the reference to United Nations inevitable, as explained in part -2 of my blog post. As per Independence Act 1947 passed by the British Parliament, each princely State had to take a decision to either join India or Pakistan. The Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir dithered. When the situation in J&K got out of control, Maharaja sought help of the Indian Government after signing the instrument of accession. During September and October 1947, the troops of Maharaja carried out a campaign of sustained harassment, arson, physical violence ...